11 September, 2014

Spintronics - recent developments

Let's wrap up our discussion of spintronics with a look at some recent developments in the field: creating spin-valve devices in graphene.

Graphene is a relatively new wonder-material that we'll discuss later this semester. Graphene comes in sheets made of single layers of carbon atoms: 

Image credit: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9e/Graphen.jpg/800px-Graphen.jpg
Graphene is extremely strong and extremely conductive of both electric current and heat.

A spin-valve device is multiple conducting materials stacked in layers whose combined resistivity changes drastically depending on whether their magnetizations are parallel or antiparallel. (Sound familiar?) In other words, this device permits or prevents current passing through with a simple switch of the magnetic field, just like a faucet permits or prevents water passing through with the turn of a handle.

In http://arxiv.org/pdf/1407.1439.pdf, Fu et al discuss the creation of spin-valve devices with graphene using chemical vapor deposition, which assembles nanoscopic devices one layer at a time. Have a look to see spin valves in action!

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